Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Slavic Third Cross-Quarter Ritual

This is the text I wrote for a Slavic third cross-quarter ritual.  It was performed by our local Grove on August 2, 2013.  Pronunciation guides are provided for those not familiar with the Polish language.
<3 chimes each for the Ancestors, the Spirits of the Land, and The Shining Ones>

Initiating the Rite: We have come here to honor the Gods and Goddesses. Be with us, oh Shining Ones, in our workings; forgive any errors and grant us, we pray, your blessings.

Purification: <use sage> By the might of the smoke of the fire, this gathering is made whole and holy.

Honoring the Earth Mother: Matka Ziemia (MAT-ka ZHAY-meeya) - we are your children, born of your womb and nourished by your abundance. You are the foundation of each day, as we place our feet upon you and walk this world.  We pray that you bless and uphold our rite today, as you uphold the whole world. Matka Ziemia (MAT-ka ZHAY-meeya)- accept our sacrifice! (offer cornmeal, all repeat: Matka Ziemia (MAT-ka ZHAY-meeya), accept our sacrifice!)
Statement of Purpose: We have come today to do as the ancients did - to make offerings to the kindreds in gratitiude and to ask for their blessings as we begin the first harvest.

Recreating the Cosmos:
Deep water of the well - your living water saturates down into the ground, nourishing tender roots and seeds even while they slumber. And you flow beyond, past soil and stone into a land of memory and shadow, the land of our ancestors.  Without you our world would be barren and lonely. Please accept this gift of silver as receipt of our gratitude for all which you provide to us. (put silver in the well)

Fire burning brightly - you are a force all your own.  You manifest from stone and wood, producing from within the gifts of Dazhbog (DAZH-bogh), the celestial smith and Piorun (pee-YO-run) , wielder of lightning.  You, above all others, have the ability to transform our offerings into that which is acceptable to the Shining Ones. We thank you for the transformation of our sacrifices and offer you this oil in gratitude. (pour oil into the fire)

Mighty tree - you which weaves all worlds together. Your branches stretch and reach towards The Shining Gods and Goddesses, your roots meander deep into the soft earth beckoning to the ancestors, and your trunk connects all here, with us, in our world today among ourselves and the spirits of this land. We offer you this incense in deep appreciation of your services both in the past and that which you will provide here today. (light incense and place in front of tree)

Opening the Gate: Weles (VAY-les) - punisher of broken oaths, mighty god of liminality and master of the gates between the living and the dead: we ask that you tend this gate here today, so that the Kindreds may join us in this holy space while the outdwellers keep their distance.  Weles (VAY-les), we honor you and this most important task you perform and offer you this sacrifice in deepest appreciation. (pour whiskey on the ground, all repeat:  Weles (VAY-les), accept our sacrifice!)
Let the gates be open. The water, the fire and the tree flow and flame and grow within us.  Feel your roots burrow deep, draw up the water of life, and stretch your branches towards the fire of the sky.

Offerings to the Kindreds:
Ancestors, those who offered the first sacrifice and learned the proper ways to honor the Gods and Goddesses - you are welcome here at our fire! We greet you with joyous hearts and kind words. Join us here as we honor the Shining Ones in the ways you have taught us, and partake of this offering. Ancestors, accept our sacrifice! (offer mulberry wine, all repeat: Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!)

Spirits of this land, you who live among the trees, in the tall grasses and deep withing the native waters, you have a place here at our fire. You who know the inborn rhythms of Matka Ziemia (MAT-ka ZHAY-meeya), who see the rising and setting of the sun each day and whisper to the wild animals, you have a place here at our fire. We give you honor and welcome you with this gift. Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice! (offer salt, all repeat: Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice!)

Shining Ones, Gods and Goddesses worthy of worship, you who make all things possible - join us here at this fire. Your glory is brighter than all creation and inspires greatness in those who follow you - join us in this blessing of the harvest as we begin to reap from the fields and gardens that which will nourish us and our loved ones.  We offer this sacrifice as ourt hearts call for you. Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!
(pour mead, all repeat: Shining ones, accept our sacrifice!)

Dieties of the Rite:
Mighty Piorun (pee-YO-run) - god of lightning, dispenser of justice. You who triumphs over chaos and brings order to this world. Come to our fire! With your mighty powers you conquer the serpent which threatens to destroy our world in confusion and drought. You control the rains, and as such decide which lands are blessed. It is your shield that plows the fields and heralds the planting season, and the sharp edge of your axe aids the harvest.  We offer you this gift of mead in gratitude for watching over the fields these many months.  Piorun (pee-YO-run), accept our sacrifice! (pour the mead into the fire, all repeat: Piorun (pee-YO-run), accept our sacrifice!)
Svarog (SVA-roog) - god of the heavenly fire and father of Dazhbog (DAZH-bogh), you have warmed the earth so life could blossom and grow.  Come to our fire!  Yours is a delicate balance, a careful dispensing of the sun's rays. In your wisdom you moderated your awesome power so as to not damage the young plants in the field. Thank you for providing this most important force so that the plants in our gardens could grow and become part of the feast at our tables.  We offer you this gift of whiskey in gratitiude.  Svarog (SVA-roog), accept this sacrifice! (pour whiskey into the fire, all repeat:  Svarog (SVA-roog), accept our sacrifice!) 

Mokosz (MO-kosh) - goddess of grain and seed, you who germinates and gestates the seeds, roots and shoots that brings life to our world. Come to our fire!  Your gifts are abundant and provide nourishment and enjoyment both for our bodies and our souls. We thank you for nurturing the seeds and tender plants we placed into the warming ground this growing season, and offer you this gift of vegetables in return. Mokosz (MO-kosh), accept our sacrifice! (place the vegetables in the fire, all repeat: Mokosz (MO-kosh), accept our sacrifice!) 
Personal Offerings

Omens: We ask that the Kindreds speak to us, and offer us their teachings. <go through each kindred with the omens, then affirm the omens)>

Hallowing of the Waters: As children of the Earth we call for the blessings of the Kindreds. We fill the bellies of our spirit with this drink - oh Holy Ones, give to us as we have given to you! Let this vessel receive your blessings! (each person drinks water)

Affirmation of the Blessings: By this work we are blessed. To all that have aided us here today, we give thanks.

Thanking the Beings:
Mokosz (MO-kosh) - Beholder of creation - may we always be right in our worship of you and the recipient of your blessings.

Svarog (SVA-roog) - Champion of the sun and dispenser of it's life force, thank you the blessing of this warmth.

Piorun (pee-YO-run) - Mighty warrior! We give our gratitude for your blessings here today.

Closing the Gates
:  Weles (VAY-les), we offer you thanks for minding the gates so that we could honor the Kindreds here  today in peace.

Thanking the Earth Mother:
Matka Ziemia (MAT-ka ZHAY-meeya), thank you for upholding this rite and blessing us daily with your generous gifts.

Statement of Ending
: With this our ritual is complete.  May the tree be just a tree, the well just water, and the fire but a simple fire. Let us leave here today with blessings upon us and peace within us. 

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